If your dachshund's meal is always gone in a flash, it might be time to consider swapping their bowl to one that's specially designed to slow them down. Eating slower has all kinds of benefits, too: it will help keep their mind occupied while they eat (they'll be "hunting" for their food) and help them reduce after-dinner gas. Read on to learn why it’s so important to help curb your dachshund’s quick eating (and, in turn, overeating) and how to do it.
What’s the problem with an overweight doxie?
We know — it’s almost impossible to say no to those sweet faces, and plump sausage dogs are pretty darn cute. However, food-obsessed dachshunds are prone to packing away a few too many pounds, which can cause serious health issues down the line.
Their extra-long backs are highly susceptible to spinal problems, and extra weight only exacerbates the situation. Add to that the fact that doxies have such short legs, and you’ll understand why it’s so hard for them to get a good amount of exercise (which makes them even more inclined to obesity).
If your dachshund needs to lose some weight — or you just want to make sure they stay trim — dietary changes are your best bet, and slow feeder bowls are a very good starting point.
What is a slow feeder bowl, and how does it help?
Unlike regular food bowls, slow feeder bowls are designed explicitly to help slow down mealtime. Their interiors contain raised shapes that act like the walls of a maze, forcing a dachshund to slow down and hunt for its kibble instead of chowing down as fast as possible.
In short, they turn mealtime into game time: because slow feeder bowls are essentially puzzles with a reward, they encourage dachshunds to problem-solve, keeping them mentally stimulated and engaged.
The result? Your doxie eats more slowly and has enough time to fill up, eating less overall while still having fun. You can also help manage your dog’s weight by providing set meals rather than leaving food out all day, and measuring out their kibble each time.
Eating quickly also poses more health risks than just a little weight gain. When a dachshund gobbles down all that food they also ingest a lot of air, which can lead to upset tummies and flatulence, vomiting, choking, and even bloat — a dangerous and potentially fatal condition for dogs. Slow feeder bowls can help prevent all of it.
To recap: slow feeder bowls help dachshunds maintain a healthy weight, keep them engaged, and can stave off digestion issues and bloat. Win, win, win!
Products Referenced
Handmade Ceramic Slow Feeder
Handcrafted in the Netherlands, these slow feeders are designed to help your dachshund savor every meal. Food-obsessed doxies are prone to overeating, but the raised rings in these bowls encourage your dachshunds to slow down and hunt for their kibble, instead of simply chowing down as fast as possible. The result: they eat more slowly and have time to fill up, eating less overall and also reducing the chance of bloat.