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Meet Auggie — header extraordinaire — and his person, Deborah

Meet Auggie — header extraordinaire — and his person, Deborah

We all know that our relationship with dachshunds is one that only other dachshund lovers can understand, so we’re putting some of our favorite parent-pup duos in the spotlight. Sit, stay, hear about these doxie parents’ relationship with the breed that stole their hearts, and get to know the dachshund that sealed the deal.

Human’s name: Deborah
Dog’s name: Auggie
Type of dachshund: Standard reddish-brown and black smooth haired dachshund
Dog’s age: 4 and ½
Hometown: Norwalk, CT

What originally got you hooked on dachshunds?

My husband and I were living in Atlanta at the time in an apartment complex and we saw a couple walking their dachshund. We became good friends with them, and absolutely fell in love with their dog — we decided that we had to get one of our own. After our first, we became totally addicted to the breed. Auggie is our fourth dachshund!

What’s your favorite part about being a dachshund owner?
Dachshunds have the best personalities — and their personalities are huge! They’re enchanting dogs, and their mannerisms are just so endearing. Dachshunds are also very people-focused, and they love their owners. Auggie sleeps in his own bed, and when he wakes up in the morning, he’s so excited to see us that he starts crying — almost trilling — and then covers us with kisses. He’s a big, huge kisser, but his tongue is so little that it’s not ever sloppy. And the cuddle factor is incredible, too. When my husband and I are watching TV, Auggie is completely plastered against one of us. We fight over his cuddles!

Tell me about a favorite memory with Auggie.
I don’t think I can pick one particular memory, but I love watching Auggie play. His little body is so adorable when he’s running around, and his butt just wobbles! Auggie loves to play with his brother Kirby, who’s a Brittany. They run laps around the center island in our kitchen, and could rough-house for hours. I have to straighten out our rugs every day.

The two of them together are fearless. Auggie gets rolled around, since he’s so much smaller than Kirby. You might hear a squeak out of Auggie, but then he just goes back for more. I think he thinks he’s the same size. They’re an odd couple — the long-legged, long-haired dog, and the short-legged, short-haired dog. It’s just so much fun to watch them together.

Does Auggie have any secret talents or tricks?
When Auggie plays ball, he bounces it off of his nose. He’s like a soccer star with his headers! He can even do them in mid-air. There’s one ball that he loves, and when my husband throws it, he’ll retrieve it, or push it back to us with his nose. He could do it for hours. I have no idea how he learned how to do it, though, because none of our other dachshunds ever wanted to retrieve their toys. We bought this ball when he was a puppy and started throwing it to him, and he was obsessed. Auggie is so athletic — he just had this talent!

Do you own Auggie or does Auggie own you?
Oh Auggie owns us, no doubt. It’s the bossiness in him! Dachshunds are so strong willed. Not only do they own you, but they also tell you what to do!


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